What we do
We provide team extension services for companies that want to supercharge their engineering team.
We provide BackEnd, FrontEnd, and FullStack engineers, quality engineers, and team leaders. Our primary specialization is TypeScript and JavaScript, but we work with practically any web development technology and framework.
FrontEnd Engineer
Handle the complexity of running an app in a browser. They know everything about the browser stack and modern application frameworks. Often, combine technical skills with an aesthetic eye and a UI/UX flair.
BackEnd Engineer
Build the guts of an application. They are the ones responsible for server-side tasks, creating APIs, databases, and authentication layers.
FullStack Engineer
While BackEnd and FrontEnd engineers usually focus and master technologies specific to their domain, FullStack engineers cover both ends. They have a wide general knowledge and can deliver a full range of an application.
Quality gatekeepers and supporters. They perform and automate end-to-end testing to ensure that the product works as it was supposed to. QA makes Continuous Delivery possible and moves a product from the "good enough" state to the exceptional.
Team Leader
A team without a leader is just a group of people. Great leaders inspire, motivate, and mentor. They are great at seeing the best in individuals, communication, planning, and spreading the company vision.
"Skills can be taught. Character you either have or you don't have". Junior engineers are often the least experienced team members. However, that doesn't mean that they are technically less capable. Because we hire for potential, juniors catch up fast. They usually need a bit more guidance than more experience but can still solve a wide range of problems.
Mid-level engineers are, for most of the time, entirely self-reliable. They can tackle moderate-size tasks, are fluent with the technology stack you use, and show a deeper understanding of the domain than junior engineers. They are also more acquainted with industry standards such as git flows, scrum, and similar.
Besides having thorough technical knowledge and exceptional skills, they go above and beyond the expectations. Can handle tasks of any size independently, suggest technological improvements to the codebase, mentor less experienced peers, and show an in-depth understanding of the business.